Saturday, November 17, 2007

31 Days to Building a Better Blog - Day 12. Introduce Yourself to Another Blogger

Today your task in the 31 Day Project is to Introduce Yourself to another blogger

Email or IM another blogger in your niche to introduce yourself and your blog. You don’t need to ask them to link to you or anything - the point isn’t to get any specific outcome other than to touch base and hopefully build a relationship.

I find that the most fruitful interactions that I’ve had with other bloggers don’t come as a result of me asking for something - but out of me giving something.

What can you give? This will of course vary from situation to situation but it could a tip, a suggestion, a question for them to post about, an offer to write a guest post, a thank you for a good post they’ve written or a word of encouragement to let them know that you appreciate them.

While nothing may come of such an email (don’t be offended if you don’t get a reply) you might be surprised at the results.

My only other tip is to keep your email brief and to the point. Many bloggers are inundated with email and to be confronted with a long rambling email of introduction might not create the impression that you’re after.

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